Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an amended agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of Gammon Road and construction of a portion of the West Towne path. Funding is included in the 2019 CIP with construction planned for 2020 within Engineering Major Streets-Gammon Road South reconstruction project and Engineering-Bicycle and Pedestrian-West Towne Path project. The total cost of these projects is $10,200,000 which includes $5,587,440 of federal funds and $4,612,560 of local funds. The federal funds have been secured through the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and STP-Urban Program.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a revised State/Municipal Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Project I.D. 5992-10-30/31/32/33: Gammon Road and West Towne Path project for construction cost sharing, plan development and State design review costs. (9th & 19th ADs)
The City is proposing to reconstruct Gammon Road from Mineral Point Road to the W. Beltline and to construct a portion of the West Towne path including the underpass of Gammon Road.
The City applied for Federal Funds in the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and the project received approval for $1,573,440 of TAP funding. The work on Gammon Road includes $4,014,000 of federally funded STP-Urban funds.
The project will be constructed under a contract let by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and a project Agreement with WisDOT is required for funding, oversight and construction. The proposed project is planned for construction in the year 2020. The construction cost of the improvement will be financed with federal and local funds. The design cost will be funded with 100% local funds. The design costs include State review services to oversee the development of plans and specifications for the project.
A revised agreement is required to update costs...
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