Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution creates the classification of Child Care Specialist 3 (CG 18, Range 10) and recreates positions #107 and #109 from a Child Care Specialist 2 (CG 18, Range 8) into a Child Care Specialist 3 in CDD’s operating budget. The annualized cost of the proposed amendment is approximately $12,500, including benefits. No additional City appropriation is required.
Create the classification of Child Care Program Specialist 3 in CG 18, Range 10. Recreate positions #107 and #109 as Child Care Program Specialist 3 in the Community Development Division operating budget.
Resolution to create the classification of Child Care Program Specialist 3 in CG 18, Range 10. Be it further resolved that positions #107 and #109 are recreated as Child Care Program Specialist 3 in the Community Development Division operating budget, thereof.