Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the execution of the sale of land for the WisDOT reconstruction of Interstate Highway 39/90. $7,300 will be deposited into City Engineering Sewer Utility Account 83110-48110 as compensation for the fee simple land purchase.
Authorizing the execution of a Warranty Deed by the City of Madison in favor of the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the fee simple sale of land required for the reconstruction of Interstate Highway 39/90, in connection with Transportation Project Plat No. 1007-10-25 from CTH AB to USH 12/18 Interchange. (A.D. 16)
WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation (“WisDOT”) will be reconstructing IH 39/90 pursuant to WisDOT Transportation Project Plat No. 1007-10-25 (“Plat”); and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Sewer Utility 532 (“City”) is the owner of certain properties adjacent to IH 39/90 located at 4501 and 4502 Storck Road, identified as Parcel No. 14 on the ‘Schedule of Lands & Interests Required’ on the Plat, as legally described on attached Exhibit A and depicted on attached Exhibit B; and
WHEREAS, WisDOT made a written offer to pay the City $7,300.00 for the acquisition of Parcel No. 14 for the expansion of IH 39/90 southbound right-of-way; and
WHEREAS, WisDOT’s offering price is based upon the fair market value of the land, as determined by an appraisal that was reviewed and approved by the City’s Office of Real Estate Services and City Engineering; and
WHEREAS, the City Attorney’s office reviewed and approved WisDOT’s initial draft of the Warranty Deed and shall approve of the final draft prior to signature by the City.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Madison authorizes the execution of a Warranty Deed from the City of Madison to the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for lands identified as Parcel No. 14 in Transportation Project Plat No. 1007-10-25, as legally described on at...
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