Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves plan documents and authorizes the agreement for undergrounding overhead utilities along Winnebago Street and Sutherland Court in 2019. The adopted 2019 budget includes funding from TID 37 reimbursable borrowing in the amount of $250,000 for the undergrounding of these overhead wires via the Reconstruction Streets capital program.
Approving Plans & Specifications and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement and the Finance Director to issue purchase orders to MG&E, Charter Communications, TDS Metrocom and AT&T for the undergrounding of overhead utilities along Winnebago Street and Sutherland Court. (6th AD)
Overhead electrical and communication lines run along Winnebago Street and Sutherland Court adjacent to a portion of the 2019 Winnebago Street Reconstruction project. Funds are included in the 2019 Engineering Major Streets Capital Budget for undergrounding of overhead utilities on a portion of Winnebago Street and Sutherland Court. MG&E, Charter Communications, TDS Metrocom and AT&T will underground their overhead facilities along a portion of Winnebago Street and Sutherland Court. The work is scheduled for early 2019.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that plans & specifications for undergrounding of overhead utilities along Winnebago Street and Sutherland Court are hereby approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement and the Finance Director to issue purchase orders to MG&E, Charter Communications, TDS Metrocom and AT&T for the undergrounding of overhead utilities along Winnebago Street and Sutherland Court.