Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes execution of a contract amendment for the design services of the Atwood Avenue reconstruction project for a total of $32,071.84. Unspent carryforward budget appropriation from 2018 is available in this project to cover the cost of this contract amendment. The Atwood Avenue reconstruction project from Fair Oaks Avenue to Cottage Grove Road is included in the 2019 CIP for construction in 2024.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between Madison and MSA Professionals, Inc. for additional design engineering services for the Atwood Ave. Reconstruction Project. (6th & 15th ADs)
The City is proposing to reconstruct Atwood Ave. from Fair Oaks Ave. to Cottage Grove Rd. in 2020. The City entered into an agreement with MSA Professionals, Inc. for design services (Original: RES-16-000375). Geometry was approved for the intersection by Common Council (RES-18-00533). City Engineering & City Traffic Engineering were authorized to proceed with final design for reconstruction of the street.
The City Engineer recommends that additional design services be undertaken by MSA Professionals, Inc. They are:
1. Rehabilitation Structure Survey Report will be prepared for Structure B-13-254 over Starkweather Creek and will include the widening of the sidewalk on the north edge of the bridge.
2. A Structure Survey Report will be prepared for a new large modular block retaining wall at the intersection of Atwood Avenue and Oakridge Avenue.
3. Prepare structure rehabilitation plans for widening the northern sidewalk on Structure B-13-254 over Starkweather Creek.
a. Preliminary plans will include a plan view and typical section.
b. Final plans will include sidewalk details with reinforcement, a bill of bars, and bar bending details.
c. A load rating will be provided by the Bureau of Structures and will be reviewed by the MSA Professionals, Inc. for consistency with t...
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