Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution recreates position #862 from an Employee Assistance Program Administrator (CG18, R12) to an Employee Assistance Manager (CG18, R15) within the Employee Assistance Program and reallocates the incumbent to the recreated position. The 2018 cost of the proposed amendment is approximately $7,000 and the annual cost is approximately $13,000, including benefits. This 2018 increase is included in EAP’s 2018 Adopted Operating Budget. No additional City appropriation is required.
Delete the classification of “Employee Assistance Program Administrator” (CG18, R12), and create the classification of “Employee Assistance Program Manager” (CG18, R15). Recreate and retitle the position #862 of 1.0 FTE “Employee Assistance Program Administrator” (CG18, R12) as “Employee Assistance Program Manager” (CG18, R15), in the Employee Assistance Program Operating Budget; and reallocate the incumbent, T. Martinez, to the new position.
Resolution deleting the classification of “Employee Assistance Program Administrator” (CG18, R12), and creating the classification of “Employee Assistance Program Manager” (CG18, R15), deleting and recreating the 1.0 FTE position #862 of “Employee Assistance Program Administrator” (CG18, R12), as a “Employee Assistance Program Manager” (CG18, R15), in the Employee Assistance Program budget, and reallocating the incumbent (T. Martinez) to the new position, thereof.