Fiscal Note
Funds under this grant will be used to support the Transit Division Capital and Operating budgets. Up to 80% of the total project cost of $12,782,184 is funded by USDOT/FTA with the remaining 20% local share ($2,556,437) will be funded from general obligation debt and operating funds included in the Transit Utility’s Capital and Operating budgets.
The separate 13(c) agreement is a required precondition for receiving Federal grant funds. Any costs associated with the 13(c) agreement are included in Metro's operating budget.
Authorizing the Transit General Manager to file an application for a Section 5307, 5337 & 5339 Super Grant, public transit capital, capital maintenance, and capital planning grant with U.S. Department of Transportation and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the associated grant agreement with USDOT and the associated 13 (c) agreement with Teamsters Local No. 695.
Under the Urbanized Area Formula program of 49 United States Code 5307, funds are made available for capital and operating assistance and transportation-related planning projects. As an urbanized area, the City of Madison receives from the U.S. Congress an apportionment for use by Madison Metro. Metro will use its funds for capital leasing, preventive maintenance costs, ADA Paratransit service costs, capital costs for low-floor buses, and project administration costs as included in the Transit Division capital and operating budgets.
Under Sections 5337 and 5339 (formerly known as Section 3 of the Federal Transit Act, as amended), capital funds are available for transit system capital improvements. Metro will use these funds to purchase buses to replace older buses still in service. The local share is funded in the Metro Capital budget.
WHEREAS, FTA has been delegated authority to award Federal financial assistance for a transportation project; and
WHEREAS, grants for financial assistance will impose certain obligations upon the C...
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