Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes acceptance of ownership of a neighborhood sign and decorative landscape garden in the public right-of-way near the southeast corner of the Milwaukee Street and Leon Street intersection. The Eastmorland Community Association is responsible for the installation, maintenance, repair of the sign and decorative landscape. City Engineering, Planning, Traffic Engineering, Risk Management, and Madison Water Utility have reviewed and conditionally approved the request. No City appropriation is required.
Authorizing the City’s acceptance of ownership from the Eastmorland Community Association of a neighborhood sign and decorative landscape garden located in public right-of-way near the southeast corner of Milwaukee Street and Leon Street. (15th AD)
WHEREAS, the Eastmorland Community Association (“Association”) wishes to install and maintain a neighborhood sign and decorative landscape garden (“Encroachments”) in the public right-of-way near the southeast corner of the Milwaukee Street and Leon Street intersection as shown on attached Exhibit A, with the neighborhood sign’s image depicted on attached Exhibit B; and
WHEREAS, staff from City of Madison (“City”) Engineering, Planning, Traffic Engineering, Madison Water Utility and the City’s Risk Manager have reviewed this request and conditionally approved the placement and installation of the Encroachments; and
WHEREAS, the Association will transfer ownership of the Encroachments to the City after installation in exchange for the ongoing maintenance and repair of the Encroachments by the Association.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Madison authorizes the City’s acceptance of ownership from the Association of Encroachments to be located in public right-of-way near the southeast corner of the Milwaukee Street and Leon Street intersection as shown on attached Exhibit A, with the neighborhood sign’s image depicted on attached E...
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