Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the acceptance of a Center for Children’s Law and Policy grant and increases the Police Department’s 2018 operating budget by the $10,000. The grantor will provide technical assistance, training, and $10,000 to support the planning and implementation of strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in arrests of youth. There is no City match. Any Department staff time or other costs will be absorbed within existing resources.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Madison Police Department to accept a Center for Children’s Law and Policy grant for technical assistance, training and $10,000 to support the planning and implementation of strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in arrests of youth; and amend budgets accordingly
WHEREAS, the Center for Children’s Law and Policy (CCLP), with support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, has created an ongoing Law Enforcement Leadership for Equity Initiative to improve equity and fairness in youth arrest and diversion; and,
WHEREAS, CCLP has partnered with several law enforcement agencies (Gainesville, Bridgeport/Hartford/New Haven and Memphis, among others) which have achieved measurable reductions in arrests of youth of color; and,
WHEREAS, law enforcement agencies that have implemented CCLP’s data-driven approach have increased diversion for youth of color and reduced arrest for youth of color by up to 50%, while maintaining the interest of public safety; and,
WHEREAS, CCLP has previously provided technical assistance and training for Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative and the MacArthur Foundation had provided almost $10 million to CCLP to use its Racial and Ethnic Disparities Practice Manual and training to provide jurisdictions practical tools to address the disproportionately-high contact of youth of color in the juvenile justice system; and,
WHEREAS, CCLP has selected the Madison Police Department for participation in the Law Enforcement Leadership for Equity Initiative, one of four new grantees nationally; and,
WHEREAS, this project represents a major investment from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to enhance equity and fairness for youth of color who come into contact with the juvenile justice system; and,
WHEREAS, CCLP will provide on-site and remote technical assistance for one year to support the planning and implementation of strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in arrests of youth, as well as a $10,000 implementation support grant.; and,
WHEREAS, local initiative partners include Dane County Juvenile Court Program, DCDHS Juvenile Justice/Neighborhood Intervention Program, Dane County District Attorney, Dane County Community Restorative Courts, Dane County Restorative Justice Coalition, Madison Municipal Court, Madison Metropolitan School District, YWCA, Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership Development, Briarpatch Youth Services and Dane County Timebank.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chief of Police is authorized to accept a Center for Children’s Law and Policy grant for technical assistance, training and $10,000 in support of the initiative.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any grant funds received are appropriated to the Madison Police Department to be used for the purposes of the grant, including modifications upon appropriate approvals from CCLP; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Police Department 2018 Operating Budget is amended to increase Supply expenditures and Contributions/Donations by $10,000; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Finance Department and the Police Department are authorized to establish and/or maintain accounts as required for the administration of the grant funds.
($10,000) 3110020-46310-00000 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS
$5,000 3110020-53210-00000 WORK SUPPLIES
$5,000 3110020-53145-00000 SOFTWARE