Fiscal Note
The proposed ordinance change increases the permit fee for a residential parking permit from $28 to $42 annually and increases the fee charged for the issuance of duplicate permits from $7 to $11 annually. The amended ordinance will take effect beginning with the purchase of 2018-2019 residential parking permits (August 2018).
In the 2018 budget, the Parking Utility’s salary and benefit expenses increased $395,000 to reflect the cost of the Parking Enforcement Officers (Police employees) enforcing the Residential Parking Permit Program and other time restriction parking regulations. These costs had historically been reflected in the Police Department’s budget.
The Parking Utility’s 2018 adopted budget includes $130,000 in residential parking permit revenue and $85,000 from a transfer from the General Fund to offset a portion of the Parking Enforcement Officer’s salaries. It is anticipated the increased fee will generate $57,000 in additional revenue, bringing the total to $272,000. The annual expenses of the program are $540,000.
To fully fund the program by permit revenue, the Parking Utility has estimated the annual permit fee would need to increase to $105.
The anticipated annual revenue increase of the ordinance change is $74,000.
Amending Section 12.138(11) of the Madison General Ordinances to increase the fees for residential parking permits.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This proposal amends Sec. 12.138(11), MGO, to increase the permit fee charged to the owner or operator of a motor vehicle applying for a residential parking permit. This proposal further increases the fee charged for issuance of duplicate permits as well. The amended ordinance will take effect beginning with the purchase of 2018-2019 residential parking permits.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Subsection (11) entitled “Permit Fee” of Section 12.138 entitled “Residential Daytime Parking Privileges for “Commuter Parking Impacted” Streets” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
“(11) Permit Fee. A permit fee of twenty-eight forty-two ($2842) per year shall be charged. The charge for a duplicate permit shall be seven eleven dollars ($711). This ordinance shall become effective September 1, 2016 beginning with the purchase of 2018-2019 permits.”