Fiscal Note
Fiscal note pending.
Accepting the Report, “Family and Medical Leave Use and Need Among City of Madison Employees”.
WHEREAS, on 05/17/2016, the Madison Common Council approved Resolution #42914 authorizing the City to apply to the US Department of Labor/Women’s Bureau’s Paid Leave Analysis grant program; and,
WHEREAS, City staff worked closely with faculty and students of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Community & Environmental Sociology Department and staff of the University of Wisconsin Survey Center to develop a proposed research design and budget; and,
WHEREAS, on August 9, 2016, the US Department of Labor/Women’s Bureau informed the City of its decision to award a grant of $155,317 to the City to carry out an analysis of the need for and impact of a paid leave policy within the City of Madison; and,
WHEREAS, Council Resolution #44283 authorized the City to accept the grant and carry out the study; and,
WHEREAS the City contracted with the University of Wisconsin-Madison to perform the research as described in the grant application; and,
WHEREAS the UW Paid Leave Study Team worked closely with City staff to develop and implement a study including a survey of permanent City employees and in-depth interviews with supervisors and administrators of City agencies; and,
WHEREAS, of the 2825 permanent employees who received it, 1801, or 63.8% completed the survey, and through interviews, 17 supervisors and administrators provided insight into the workings of the current City family and medical leave program; and,
WHEREAS, the UW Paid Leave Study Team has completed its analysis of the information compiled through the survey and interviews and summarized their findings in a report;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Madison Common Council does hereby accept the report, “Examining the Need and Impact of a Paid Leave Initiative in the City of Madison.”