Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a non-competitive contract with Performance Elevator Consulting, LLC to conduct elevator inspections for the Madison Fire Department. The contract amount will not exceed $50,000. The Department will reallocate other Purchased Services budgets to fund this contract. No appropriation is required.
Authorizing a non-competitive contract with Performance Elevator Consulting, LLC to conduct elevator inspections for the Madison Fire Department.
The Madison Fire Department conducts elevator inspections throughout the City. Recently the lead-inspector for the Elevator division resigned and the vacant position is currently going through the recruitment process to be filled. The position will likely not be filled until June 2018, and may be filled by a trainee who will need to be certified and licensed by the State.
The City must continue to perform elevator inspections while the hiring process is on-going and must complete any overdue inspections before the new employee is licensed. The adopted 2018 budget contains $863,904 in Fire Department revenue for elevator inspections. The City must complete these inspections to maintain compliance with the State and meet our revenue budget.
Performance Elevator Consulting, LLC was contracted with previously in 2015 to assist with the elevator inspections when there was a vacancy in the Elevator division. The company manager has over 30 years of experience and has a team of certified inspectors. The Madison Fire Department has proposed a contract with Performance Elevator Consulting, LLC to perform inspections, re-inspections and provide inspection reports. It is proposed the contract be through November 15, 2018 and for an amount not to exceed $50,000.
WHEREAS, the City needs to complete all due elevator inspections,
WHEREAS, MGO 4.26 requires the Common Council to approve service contracts exceeding $25,000 if the contractor was not selected through a full comp...
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