Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves the use of Safe Routes Grant funding in an estimated total cost of $9,300 for installation of new sidewalk at various loactions in the Lake Edge neighborhood. In the adopted 2018 Capital Budget, Engineering-Bicycle and Pedestrian has budgeted $150,000 for the Safe Routes Grants program (MUNIS 11112). This program pays 50% of a property owner’s sidewalk assessment where new sidewalk is installed on eligible projects. Funding for this program is from GO borrowing.
Approving the use of Safe Routes Grants funding for the installation of new sidewalk on project #11655: Davidson Street, Hegg Avenue, Major Avenue, Drexel Avenue and Lake Edge Boulevard Assessment District - 2018. (15th AD)
The Common Council approved Plans, Specifications, And Schedule of Assessments for Davidson Street, Hegg Avenue, Major Avenue, Drexel Avenue and Lake Edge Boulevard Assessment District - 2018 on April 10, 2018, File ID 50692. It has been determined that the project qualifies for Safe Routes Grants funding. Safe Routes Grants funding will be applied to all properties within the project limits with new sidewalk installation and reduce the amount due for assessments by 50 percent for the installation of new sidewalk.
NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Safe Routes Grants funding for the installation of new sidewalk on project #11655: Davidson Street, Hegg Avenue, Major Avenue, Drexel Avenue and Lake Edge Boulevard Assessment District - 2018 is hereby approved and that such funding will be applied to the Final Assessments for Schedule Of Assessments For Davidson Street, Hegg Avenue, Major Avenue, Drexel Avenue and Lake Edge Boulevard Assessment District - 2018