Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a non-competitive purchased services contract with Mead and Hunt for continued work pertaining to the evaluation and improvements of the Metro Transit Bus Barn located on East Washington Avenue. The cost of this agreement is $740,000, which is budgeted within the adopted 2018 capital budget in Metro's Facilities Repairs and Improvements capital program. In 2018, $1.54 million of GO Borrowing is budgeted within the program for these costs.
Resolution authorizing a non-competitive purchase of services contract with Mead and Hunt for professional architectural and engineering services for the design of (2019 - Phase 1) Metro Bus Barn Facility Upgrades. (6th AD)
WHEREAS the 2018 Capital Budget includes $1,540,000 for Metro Transit Facilities Repairs and Improvement;
WHEREAS Mead & Hunt completed a building master plan study for the 1101 E. Washington Ave Metro Transit Bus Barn in March 2018, and is familiar with the project and design requirements; and
WHEREAS the building master plan study was awarded in May 2017 after a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process; and
WHEREAS the building master plan study identified the general cost and scope of work required to complete the Metro Bus Barn Facility Upgrades.
WHEREAS, under MGO 4.26(4)(b), if a service contract exceeds $25,000 and the contract was not subject to a competitive selection process, the contract shall meet one of the requirements of sec. 4.26(4)(a) and be approved by the Common Council, and signed by the Mayor and Clerk; and
WHEREAS, this contract meets section 4.26(4)(a)7 which provides that a contract may be approved without a competitive selection process if the contractor has performed similar services in the past and it would be economical on the basis of time and money to retain the same firm.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Mead & Hunt to provide ...
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