Fiscal Note
The proposed ordinance creates a voluntary certification program for landlords to agree to follow certain Best Practices for landlord and tenant relations. Any landlord desiring to obtain the Best Practices Certification shall make application to the Building Inspection Division, upon a form to be provided by the Building Inspection Division. There shall be no fee for filing the application. No City appropriation is required.
SUBSTITUTE Creating Section 32.18 of the Madison General Ordinances to establish the Landlord and Tenant Best Practices Certification Program.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This proposal creates a voluntary certification program for landlords to agree to follow certain Best Practices for landlord and tenant relations. A landlord who obtains and maintains the certification shall have the right to advertise that the landlord is Best Practices Certified by the City of Madison. The proposal also creates a procedure for decertification of a landlord and an appeal procedure for a landlord who is decertified. The program will be administered by the Building Inspection Unit.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Section 32.18 entitled “Landlord and Tenant Best Practices Certification Program” of the Madison General Ordinances is created to read as follows:
(1) Statement of Purpose. Recent actions by the State of Wisconsin have restricted the City’s ability to enforce standards that address the City’s goals of equitable landlord-tenant relations, communication between landlords and tenants and resolution of disputes between landlords and tenants. In order to address these issues, the City desires to establish a voluntary program allowing landlords to certify that they have met positive and constructive standards for landlord-tenant relations.
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