Fiscal Note
No Appropriation Required
Amending the Master List of Street Names and Designations and amending the City Engineer's Street Numbering Map, referred to in Sections 10.34(2) and 10.35, Madison General Ordinances by designating Richard Davis Lane as the street name for the new public street connection between Webb Avenue and Darbo Drive. (6th AD)
WHEREAS, the Common Council, by Resolution No. 12,459, adopted March 9, 1967, has approved a master list of existing street names and designations for all purposes; and
WHEREAS, Sections 10.34(2) and 10.34(4), Madison General Ordinances, require the City Engineer to maintain certain street name & numbering records, Official Map and related databases; and
WHEREAS, on November 27, 2017 the City of Madison Common Council adopted RES-17-00882, File ID 49164 which determined the public purpose and necessity and adopted a Relocation Order to acquire necessary land interests for the construction of a new street connection between Webb Ave and Darbo Dr, a filed copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution; and
WHEREAS, on January 5, 2018 the City of Madison Common Council adopted RES-18-00016, File ID 49749 which declared the City of Madison intention to exercise police powers establishing the Darbo Dr to Webb Ave New Street Connection Assessment District - 2018; and
WHEREAS, on February 27, 2018 the City of Madison Common Council adopted RES-18-00157, File ID 50306 Approving Plans, Specifications and Schedule of Assessments for Darbo Drive to Webb Avenue New Street Connection Assessment District - 2018; and
WHEREAS, on April 22, 2015 the Board of Public Works approved File ID 38082, “Street Name Change Policy”. This adopted policy includes general rules and guidelines for changing the name of existing streets and/or designation of names for new streets; and
WHEREAS, City of Madison Engineering Division staff coordinated the designation of this new street name with the Worthington Park Neighborhood Association; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Division staff pre-approved conformance of all street name proposals presented by the Worthington Park Neighborhood Association; and
WHEREAS, the Worthington Park Neighborhood Association held a meeting on February 12, 2018 to discuss the various street name proposals; and
WHEREAS, at that Worthington Park Neighborhood Association meeting, association members voted in favor of designating this new public street connection as Richard Davis Lane; and
WHEREAS, current City street name policy allows use of proper names for street names when such name is historically significant; and
WHEREAS, City of Madison Engineering Division regards Richard Davis Lane street name as conforming to current City street name and number policy, therefore recommending approval of said street name.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by approving this resolution, the City of Madison Common Council hereby designates the new street name Richard Davis Lane from Webb Avenue to Darbo Drive for the lands to be acquired for public right of way per the attached filed copy of the Relocation Order; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, prior to construction completion and public acceptance of Richard Davis Lane public street improvements, City Traffic Engineering shall erect appropriate street name signage in conjunction with the Public Works construction of Richard Davis Lane (Richard Davis Ln); and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, upon approval and adoption of this street name designation resolution and the final acquisitions of the properties being completed and recorded with the Dane County Register of Deeds as required per the attached Relocation Order , the City Assessor, City Engineering, City IT, City Planning, or any other required City agency workflows are hereby authorized/permitted to append/change affected Address-Parcel-Owner data within necessary City databases, repositories, permitting systems, mapping data, etc as necessary to complete this street name change.