Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the Economic Development Division to write a new request for qualifications (RFQ) for a national search of a Public Market Operator (PMO). The new RFQ will prioritize experience in the start-up and operation of a complex retail operation and public-private partnerships. No City appropriation is required. Council Adopted RES-17-00962 (File 49283) states the PMO choice will go before the Common Council for approval and that City staff present the proposed choice to the Common Council by April 10, 2018.
Reaffirming the intent of the City of Madison to conduct a national search for the Public Market Operator and requiring the drafting of a new Request for Qualifications (RFQ) that focuses on operations and management experience of a Public Market.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison has been developing a Public Market project for several years. In 2011, the City’s Local Food Committee was created to study the local food economy and develop a vision for a Public Market; and,
WHEREAS, in October 2015, the Common Council approved the Business Plan for the Public Market (Resolution 38885). In that Resolution, the City affirmed that the long-term vision for the Public Market as a catalyst for the development of a Public Market District; and,
WHEREAS, the 2018 City of Madison Adopted Budget allocates $11,800,000 for the Public Market. Construction for the project will begin when all sources of capital for the property, acquisition and construction costs have been secured. City funding for the remaining portion of the project will not be made available until that time. All terms and conditions associated with the project are subject to final approval by the Common Council; and,
WHEREAS, funding for the reminder of the project is through the following sources: anticipated New Market tax credits ($3.0m), private fundraising efforts ($2.5m), the City’s share of the cash balance resulting from the closure of variou...
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