Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the adopted 2018 capital budget for the Fire Department and Engineering-Facilities Management to reassign $820,614 of GO Borrowing to the Fire Station #14 project.
The current authorized budget for this project is 6,750,000 (MUNIS project 17451-30-140)
to fund the following:
BID for Construction (Miron Construction Company): $6,390,783
4% Construction Contingency: $255,631
Professional Fees: $519,200
Site Development Costs: $35,000
Furnishing, Fixtures and Equipment $370,000
TOTAL $7,570,614
Estimated total project cost is $7,570,614, or a difference of $820,614.
The proposed project funding is:
Current MFD Capital Budget: $6,750,000
2018 Engineering Sustainability Improvements Program (Rooftop Solar): $150,000
2018 Fire Department Facility Improvement Program: $200,000
2018 Fire Department Equipment Program: $320,614
2018 Fire Communications Equipment Program: $150,000
TOTAL $7,570,614
The proposed resolution authorizes the award of Public Works Contract No.8027, Madison Fire Station 14 with a reduced contingency of 4%, and amends the 2018 Adopted Capital Budgets of the Fire Department and Engineering-Facilities Management to transfer general obligation borrowing from several projects into the Fire Station 14 project. The transfers are as follows: $150,000 from Sustainability Improvements (Engineering-Facilities Management); $150,000 from Fire Communications Equipment (Fire Department); $200,000 from Fire Building Improvements (Engineering-Facilities Management), and $320,614 from Fire Equipment (Fire Department).
11804-401-140 ($150,000)
11804-401-801 ($150,000)
11800-401-140 ($200,000)
11800-401-801 ($200,000)
17452-30-150 ($150,000)
17452-30-801 ($150,000)
10373-30-150 ($320,614)
13737-30-801 ($320,614)
17451-30-140 $820,614
17451-30-801 $820,614
SUBSTITUTE Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8027, Madison Fire Station 14 and Amending the 2018 Adopted Capital Budgets of the Fire Department a...
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