Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes accepting a 2017 COPS Community Policing Development grant for officer resiliency training. The total grant award is $39,231; these funds will be used to purchase software, training, and misc expenses. There is no local match associated with the grant. Any administrative work associated with the grant will be funded through existing resources.
Authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept a 2017 COPS Community Policing Development grant of $39,231 for officer resiliency training; and amend budgets accordingly
WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Office Community Policing Development (CPD) funds grant awards to advance the practice of community policing in law enforcement agencies through training and technical assistance and through the development of innovative community policing strategies, applied research, guidebooks, and best practices that are national in scope; and,
WHEREAS, the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report considers officer wellness and resiliency a pillar of what law enforcement needs for this century, and the Madison Police Department is committed to promoting safety and wellness at every level of the organization; and,
WHEREAS, in addition to fitness- and safety-oriented activities, MPD has several programs to address officer stress management after critical incident and has explores using mindfulness training to help officers manage stress, but until now has not incorporated a wellness and resiliency training for all sworn officers; and,
WHEREAS, the COPS Office has made a grant award of $39,231 to fund the Department’s proposed resiliency program Implementation to train its sworn commissioned officers in an evidence-based officer wellness and resiliency program to improve officers’ emotional well-being, stress coping and interpersonal skills, which will enable them to more effectively implement problem-...
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