Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution adopts an Annex to the Dane County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Annex identifies and justifies a number of proposed projects and programs needed to mitigate the vulnerabilities of the City to the impacts of future disasters. Designated staff will continue to participate in the updating and revision of the Annex with a plan review and revision to occur within a five-year cycle. This review will be performed with existing resources. No appropriation is required to adopt the Annex.
Adopting the City of Madison Annex to the Dane County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
WHEREAS, the City of Madison recognizes the threat that natural hazards pose to people and property within our community; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Common Council recognizes the importance of reducing or eliminating vulnerability to disasters caused by natural hazards for the overall good and welfare of the community, and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison has been an active participant in the Dane County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee, which has established a comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional, Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan to identify natural hazards and develop strategies to mitigate natural hazards, and
WHEREAS, the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires jurisdictions to prepare and adopt a hazard mitigation plan to be eligible for future pre-disaster and post-disaster federal funding for mitigation purposes,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison has identified and justified a number of proposed projects and programs needed to mitigate the vulnerabilities of the City of Madison to the impacts of future disasters to be included in the City of Madison Annex to the Dane County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, and this plan has been reviewed by Ed Ruckriegel, Emergency Management Coordinator; Greg Fries, City Engineering; and the Emergency Planning Staff Team,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, The City of Madison hereby proposes t...
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