Report of the Mayor submitting committee appointments to the Oscar Mayer Strategic Assessment Committee.
I hereby submit, for your consideration and approval, the following committee appointments for introduction and adoption under suspension of the rules.
*2/3 vote required for confirmation of non-city residents
Pursuant to Sec. 3.30(2) of the Madison General Ordinances, "...provision shall not apply to a member of or candidate for appointment to a City of Madison board, committee or commission where, in the judgement of the mayor and two-thirds (2/3) of the Common Council, the best interests of the city will be served by the appointment of a non-resident member who is particularly well qualified by reasons of education, background, and experience with Madison business concerns or other Madison-based employers and the Mayor specifies fully to the Common Council the reasons why he or she is recommending such appointment."
ALD. STEVE KING, District 7 - appoint to the position of Common Council Member.
TERM EXPIRES: 4-16-2019
ALD. LARRY PALM, District 12 - appoint to the position of Common Council Member.
TERM EXPIRES: 4-16-2019
ALD. REBECCA KEMBLE, District 18 - appoint to the position of Common Council Member.
TERM EXPIRES: 4-16-2019
MAURICE C. SHEPPARD (15th A.D.) - appoint to the position of Member. Mr. Sheppard is a political science instructor at Madison College. He served as a city planner for the city of Minneapolis and is a former member of the Plan Commission.
SYED M. ABBAS (12th A.D.) - appoint to the position of Member. Mr. Abbas is a project manager at Seventhwave, a non-profit focused on advancing economic and environmental sustainability. He is the co-chair of the Eken Park Neighborhood Association.
Currently serving on: Public Safety Review Committee
Task Force on Equity in Music and Entertainment
SATYA RHODES-CONWAY (12th A.D.) - appoint to the position of Member. Ms. Rhodes-Conw...
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