Fiscal Note
The proposed ordinance change increases the weight restriction for heavy traffic in residence districts. The penalty amount for such a violation remains unchanged. The fiscal impact, if any, is anticipated to be very minimal.
Amending Section 12.129 of the Madison General Ordinances to increase the weight restriction for heavy traffic in residence districts, and to clarify the unit of measurement as being the gross weight of a vehicle in pounds as registered with the Department of Transportation.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This proposal amends Sec. 12.129, MGO, to increase the weight restriction for heavy traffic in residence districts to 10,000 pounds or more, measured as the gross weight in pounds as registered with the Department of Transportation.
To provide a historical context, a December 17, 1974 revision to the current Sec. 12.129, MGO, notes that “[the] revision is to conform the ordinance to the language and definition of ‘heavy traffic’ in the enabling Statute, Wis. Stat. § 349.17, Wis. Stat.” In turn, the 1973-74 version of the Wisconsin State Statutes defined “heavy traffic” as “all vehicles not operating completely on pneumatic tires and all vehicles or combination of vehicles, other than motor busses [sic], designed or used for transporting property of any nature and having a gross weight of more than 6,000 pounds.” As such, the current ordinance reflects the 6,000-pound weight restriction specified in the state statute.
Nonetheless, the size and weight of vehicles has increased since 1974. In speaking with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT), “light trucks” are now considered those with a registered gross weight of 4,500, 6,000, or 8,000 pounds, based on the DOT’s classifications. Meanwhile, “heavy trucks” are considered those with a registered gross weight of 10,000 pounds or more.
In light of the larger motor vehicles regularly operated today, and despite that the current 2015-2016 version of Wis. ...
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