Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution accepts the Community Development Division’s (CDD) proposed Family Child Care Accreditation System Request for Proposals (RFP) and authorizes CDD to conduct an RFP process and bring recommendations to the Council at the conclusion of the process, prior to awarding a contract. CDD will formulate funding allocation recommendations to be presented to the Mayor and Common Council for use beginning in 2018. Release of this RFP assumes continuation of support at the current service level with a new contract established beginning January 1, 2018. The proposed RFP process will allocate City General Fund dollars for 2018 in the amount of up to $245,567. It is anticipated that this contract would continue for 3-5 years, contingent upon funding availability and contractor performance.
Accepting the Community Development Division’s (CDD) proposed Family Child Care Accreditation System Request for Proposals, and authorizing the CDD to conduct the RFP process and formulate funding allocation recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council for use beginning in 2018.
WHEREAS, the Community Development Division, in consultation with the Early Childhood Care and Education Committee, is responsible for formulating recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council regarding the use of City administered resources budgeted for ensuring the quality and availability of child care, including accreditation of family child care programs; and
WHEREAS, MGO 3.12(10)(c)1.f. states that, for the purposes of accreditation, if a child care program is categorized as a family child care program, that program shall be affiliated with a larger umbrella organization which meets organizational prerequisites outlined in MGO 3.12(10)(c)1.a-e.; and
WHEREAS, the existing contract for family child care accreditation system services between the City and REACH Dane is proposed to expire on December 31, 2017, and the funds currently used to support it ($245,567...
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