Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution accepts the report and recommendations of the Owl Creek Assessment and Strategic Plan and directs the Office of Real Estate Services to serve as the staff lead in implementation of the report’s recommendations. No City appropriation is required with the approval of this report. City costs associated with urban development in this area will be included in future operating and capital budgets subject to Common Council approval.
Accepting the report and recommendations of the Owl Creek Assessment and Strategic Plan.
WHEREAS, Resolution 13-00858 directs the Office of Real Estate Services, the Planning Division, the Community Development Authority (CDA) and the Community Development Division (CDD) to research the housing and neighborhood conditions in Owl Creek and issue a report to the Mayor and Common Council which will include the following:
· Research and report on the housing and neighborhood conditions in the Owl Creek NRT focus area, and
· Recommend to the Mayor and Common Council strategic initiatives to be taken by the City to reduce the amount of City resources deed in the Owl Creek NRT area.
WHEREAS, to based on the broad goals of the NRT, input from stakeholders, and the authorizing resolution, the report’s goals are to:
· Improve the lives and wellbeing of current residents
· Complete build out of the neighborhood in accordance with the approved plan
· Integrate subdivision into the broader South East Planning Area
o Physical Access
o Culture and Community
· Create a mixed income neighborhood with a variety of housing options
WHEREAS, the report outlines a variety of strategies to achieve these goals ranging from low to high levels of intensity.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council accepts the report and recommendations of the Owl Creek Assessment and Strategic Plan, and
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Office of Real Estate Services is directed to serve as the staff le...
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