Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the agreement with Mead & Hunt for an assessment of Metro Transit’s existing bus barn facility at 1101 East Washington Avenue at a total cost of $276,854. Funding for the assessment services is established within Metro’s Facilities Repairs and Improvements capital program which funds major building repairs and improvement costs on an ongoing basis (MUNIS 85002). Funding for the total assessment cost is split 80% Federal funds and 20% GO borrowing.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an agreement with Mead & Hunt for an Existing Facility and Life Safety Assessment, including conceptual design documents, maintenance plan, upgrade plan, phasing and capital budget planning of the Metro Transit Bus Barn at 1101 East Washington Avenue.
The existing Metro Maintenance Facility located at 1101 East Washington Avenue is outdated and undersized for the number of vehicles being serviced at the property. It is challenging to maneuver buses into and throughout the building, and limitations within the existing building make access and maintenance difficult. Safety is of the utmost concern. Major renovations to and a maintenance plan for this facility are desired to improve operational efficiencies.
Architectural programming and master planning service for upgrades, modification and an addition to this property were completed in 2006. The completed master plan study includes space needs programming, equipment programming, preparation of various master site plan concepts, conceptual schematic floor plan designs, and preliminary cost estimating. It also includes phased facility expansions which will no longer be part of this project. Copies of the completed master plan study reports can be found on the City's website at
WHEREAS, the scope of services for the consultant will include existing facility and safety assessment and evaluation including the building, systems, spaces and equipment. Services will also include pre-design and programming/conceptual service to determine needed major capital upgrades and cost estimating for these upgrades, development of an on-going, long-term, comprehensive facility maintenance plan, and development of a multi-year capital outlay plan, including a life-cycle analysis; and
WHEREAS, the existing facility will be analyzed in order to document the condition of the facility and adequacy to meet future needs (at least 20 years.) An assessment of maintenance associated with the underlying building conditions - both routine on-going costs and major periodic repairs - will be a critical component of the assessment. A life-cycle costing methodology will be used. The results of this assessment will determine the level of investment in the East Washington Avenue site; and
WHEREAS, in November the City issued a request for proposals to identify a consultant to examine the existing facility, and through the competitive process identified Mead and Hunt as the vendor;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the City of Madison and Mead & Hunt for for an Existing Facility and Life Safety Assessment, including conceptual design documents, maintenance plan, upgrade plan, phasing and capital budget planning of the Metro Transit Bus Barn at 1101 East Washington Avenue.