Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution recreates the 1.0 FTE position (#1192) of Program Assistant 1 (CG17 RG11), to an Account Technician 2, (CG20 RG14) and allocates the incumbent to the new position. The cost for the remainder of 2017 of recreating the position is approximately $2,000 including benefits. The first quarter projection for the Traffic Engineering Division anticipates a deficit of approximately $500,000 in Salaries due to less staff time charged to capital projects than was budgeted. If this deficit continues, it will need to be covered by other general fund appropriations.
Recreate position #1192, 1.0 FTE Program Assistant 1 in (CG 17, R11) as an Account Technician 2 (CG20, R14) in the Traffic Engineering Operating Budget and reallocate the incumbent (C. Haskin) to the new position.
Recreate position #1192, 1.0 FTE Program Assistant 1 in (CG17, R11) as an Account Technician 2 in (CG20, R14) in the Traffic Engineering Operating Budget and reallocate the incumbent (C. Haskin) to the new position, thereof.