Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution recreates the vacant position (#1267) of a Parking Equipment Tech 2 (CG16 RG14), to a Maintenance Electrician 1 (CG16 RG16). The cost for the remainder of 2017 of recreating the position, if it were filled, is approximately $1,800 including benefits. Funding is available in the Parking Utility budget.
Recreate vacant position #1267, 1.0 FTE in (CG 16, R14) as a 1.0 FTE Maintenance Electrician 1 in (CG16, R16) (Class F092) in the Parking Utility Operating Budget.
Resolution recreating vacant position #1267, 1.0 FTE in (CG 16, R14) as a 1.0 FTE Maintenance Electrician 1 in (CG16, R16) (Class F092) in the Parking Utility Operating Budget thereof.