Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution modifies the scope of an existing contract established with Strand Associates for the design engineering services of the Blair Street/John Nolen Drive corridor study in 2016 (MUNIS 11275). If the resolution is adopted, the additional cost of the contract will not exceed $25,000.
The Blair Street/John Nolen Drive corridor study project has sufficient budget authority established in the authorized project budget to accommodate this cost. The funding sources for the project consist of GO borrowing and refunded DOT funds from prior year capital projects.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between Madison and Strand Associates, Inc. for additional design engineering services for the Blair/John Nolen Corridor Study.
The City is proposing to reconstruct Blair Street (State Hwy 151) from E. Washington Avenue to John Nolen Dr. in a future year. The City entered into an agreement with Strand Associates, Inc. for design services (Original: RES-16-00361). The consultant’s services will include topographic survey, Alternative Development & Operational Intersection Analysis, Cost Estimating and the completion of preliminary plans.
The City Engineer recommends that additional design services be undertaken by Strand Associates, Inc. They are:
1. Additional structural design analysis for footing design of future pedestrian/bicycle overpass
2. Additional design analysis for Highway Safety Improvement Program application
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Amendment to the contract between Madison and Strand Associates, Inc. for additional design engineering services for the Blair/John Nolen Corridor Study.