Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution has no fiscal impact.
Authorizing the acceptance of a Quit Claim Deed from the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation, for a parcel of land adjacent to Brittingham Park, located at 201 Proudfit Street.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison (the “City”), is the owner of a parcel of land located along North Shore Drive, aka Brittingham Park; and
WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation (“WisDOT”) is the owner of the former Soo Line rail corridor, which is located adjacent to said Brittingham Park; and
WHEREAS, WisDOT has approved a new City pedestrian/bike path crossing of said rail corridor, and as a condition of said approval have required that the City install fence to deter pedestrian crossing of said rail corridor outside of the new pedestrian/bike path crossing area; and
WHEREAS, WisDOT has agreed to quit claim a parcel of land adjacent to Brittingham Park in order to allow the installation of said fence along and adjacent to said rail corridor boundary; and
WHEREAS, City Parks Division and Engineering staff has reviewed and recommends the acceptance of said Quit Claim Deed to allow the installation of said fence along and adjacent to said rail corridor boundary.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to accept a Quit Claim Deed for lands adjacent to Brittingham Park described as follows:
Any interest and/or rights within lands located in part of Government Lot 2, (Southeast ¼) of Section 23, Township 7 North, Range 9 East, in the City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, described as follows:
Commencing at the southeastern most corner of Lot 1, Dane County Certified Survey Map No. 13337, recorded in Volume 86 of Certified Survey Maps, pages 86 - 92 as Document No. 4902210, said corner being located approximately 26 feet southwesterly of, as measured at right angles, the centerline of the main rail of a track located within Wisconsin...
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