Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
SUBSTITUTE - To include new street construction that recognizes the importance of street trees and tree canopy and prioritizes projects delineating the terms for community involvement in decision-making in street reconstruction projects in the City’s “Complete Streets” program as adopted by the Common Council on 12/15/09 (Resolution RES-09-00997, Legislative File No. 16250).
Complete Streets is a national movement to ensure that streets are designed to enable safe access for all users, pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders, of all ages and abilities, to be able to move safely along and across the street. This resolution reaffirms the city’s commitment to these concepts to include sustaining our urban forest and notably, our tree canopy and trees in the terrace area.
The proposed resolution also recognizes the critical importance of terrace trees to the well-being of city neighborhoods and residents. In many "rural" neighborhoods the tree canopy provides a distinctive natural element in an urban setting. The resolution also recognizes the city's commitment to providing sidewalks for those streets and roads with the greatest pedestrian activity. Due to limitations in funding of the Rural to Urban Streets Program, the resolution prioritizes projects by category and reaffirms the city's commitmentto the preservation of trees in the course of street reconstruction.
WHEREAS, the Platinum Bicycling City Planning Committee’s report Making Madison the Best City in the Country for Bicycling, adopted by the Common Council on April 8, 2008, recommends that the City adopt a Complete Streets Resolution; and
WHEREAS, the city’s adopted Bicycle Transportation Plan, Pedestrian Transportation Plan, and Comprehensive Plan already include complete streets concepts, goals, policies and objectives; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Regional Transportation Plan 2030 for the M...
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