Fiscal Note
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Approving roadway geometry for the resurfacing and reconstruction of Monroe Street from Odana Road to Regent Street. (10th and 13th AD)
The City of Madison has proposed a project to resurface Monroe Street from Odana Road to Leonard Street and reconstruct Monroe Street from Leonard Street to Regent Street. Construction is scheduled for 2018.
Public engagement consultant Urban Assets has worked with an inter-departmental team of City staff and an Engagement Resource Team, organized by Alder Eskrich, to facilitate a variety of opportunities for community input and engagement in 2016.
To date over 200 individuals have attended six public meetings and 2,779 community members from throughout Madison responded to the community survey.
Project Kickoff Meeting (June 13): 89+ participants
Community Survey (July 2 - August 9): 2,779 responses
Business Focus Group (July 18): 27+ participants
Pedestrian, Bike, & Transit Infrastructure World Café (August 11): 58+ participants
Green Infrastructure World Café (September 1): 30+ participants
Cross Section Workshop (September 29): 45+ participants
Cross Section Open House (October 27): 65+ participants
The results of this input were used to develop a recommended cross section that incorporates and balances many community priorities while proposing major pedestrian safety improvements.
The City of Madison has completed preliminary design of the project, which includes resurfacing and reconstruction of the four-lane undivided roadway with two vehicle lanes in each direction and sidewalk on each side of the street. On-street parking will be allowed during non- peak travel times. The final design will also include raised intersections and pedestrian islands.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the roadway geometry for Monroe Street from Odana Road to Regent Street is hereby approved;
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that staff is authorized to prepare plans and specifi...
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