Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
Amending Section 9.50(4)(a), creating Section 9.50(4)(d), amending Sections 23.39(1), (4), and (5) of the Madison General Ordinances to provide an exception for dogs and cats to not receive a rabies vaccination.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This creates new sections within the ordinance that provides an exemption for dogs and cats to not receive a rabies vaccination. To qualify for this exemption the owner must provide a letter from a license veterinarian that states there is a medical reason for the animal to not receive the rabies vaccination and the animal must have had a rabies titer tests within 3 years. The ordinance further provides that the exemption must occur yearly.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Subdivision (a) entitled “License” of Subsection (4) entitled “Issuance of Licenses and Tags” of Section 9.50 entitled “Dog License Required” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
“(a) License. Upon payment of the required dog license tax and upon presentation of evidence that the dog is currently immunized against rabies as required by Madison General Ordinance Sec. 23.39, or approved for exemption under sub. (d), the City Treasurer or other authorized individual shall complete and issue to the owner a license for the dog bearing a serial number and in a form prescribed by the State of Wisconsin stating the date of its expiration, the owner’s name and address, and the name, sex, spayed or unspayed, neutered or unneutered, breed and color of the dog. The Treasurer shall keep a duplicate copy of the license on file. Effective January 1, 1996, the City Treasurer may authorize the initial issuance of dog licenses by local veterinarians. Veterinarians shall not issue renewals of previously issued licenses.”
2. Subdivision (d) entitled “Rabies Vaccination Exemption” of Sub...
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