Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the transfer of funding from the 2016 Police Department Operating Budget ($8,000 MUNIS account 31100-53413) and the Department of Justice Officer Recertification Operating Budget ($14,840 MUNIS account 12503110-54130) to the Fleet Service Capital Budget (MUNIS project 12005-41-150). These funds, in addition to $22,840 in the Fleet Service capital project, will be used to purchase a full-size SUV, replacing an existing MPD vehicle that has reached the end of its useful life. Proceeds from the sale of the existing vehicle will be used to equip the new SUV. MPD annually receives funds from the State for officer training which are accounted for in the Department of Justice Officer Recertification account. The State has approved using these funds for the purchase of the SUV.
Authorizing the increase of Police Department fleet vehicles by one and amending the 2016 Operating Budget to reallocate funds for the purchase of a full size SUV
WHEREAS, in 2005 the Madison Police Department (MPD) obtained a full-size SUV (a Chevy Suburban) through grant funding; and,
WHEREAS, since then, the vehicle has been used regularly by MPD and is a critical piece of equipment for a variety of purposes (towing, tactical operations, motorcades, special events, etc.); and,
WHEREAS, this vehicle is also regularly used for training related to tactical operations, motorcades, special events, etc.; and,
WHEREAS, the vehicle is more than a decade old and is in worsening condition; and,
WHEREAS, the newly purchased vehicle will replace the grant funded vehicle in the MPD fleet; and,
WHEREAS, Fleet Services has indicated that they can reallocate current funds toward a portion of the costs for the new suburban; and,
WHEREAS, the MPD has identified supply funds that can be reallocated toward a portion of the costs for the new suburban; and,
WHEREAS, the MPD has also identified state training funds that can be used toward a po...
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