Fiscal Note
The proposed ordinance change aligns annual sick leave payouts with the payroll change adopted earlier in 2016. There is no fiscal implication associated with the date change.
Amending Sections 3.32 (5)(e)3, 3.32(5)(e)4 and 3.32(5)(e)5 of the Madison General Ordinances to provide sick leave payout on the pay date of pay period 25 and amending section 3.54(14)(b)7 of the Madison General Ordinances to provide comp time payout on the pay date of pay period 26.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: The amendments to the payout of sick time and comp time bring the ordinances in line with the language from the employee handbook and, with the change to the payroll periods earlier this year, ensure that employees who normally receive a 13-day payout are not short one pay period of sick leave earned/paid.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Sections 3.32 (5)(e)3, 3.32(5)(e)4 and 3.32(5)(e)5 of section 3.32(5)(e) entitled “Sick Leave Accumulation” of the Madison General Ordinances are amended to read as follows:
3. Accumulation in Excess of One Hundred Fifty (150) Days. Employees, except as listed in 4. and 5. below, earning sick leave in excess of one hundred fifty (150) days shall receive a cash sum equivalent to employee’s regular salary times the number of excess days which said payment to be made on the pay dayte of pay period 25.immediately preceding December 15th.
4. Employees in Compensation Group 15. Employees in Compensation Group 15 may accumulate up to a total of one hundred sixty-three (163) days of sick leave. At the end of each year, any employee with a sick leave balance in excess of one hundred fifty (150) days will receive a payout on the pay dayte of pay period 25 immediately preceding December 15 equivalent to the employee’s regular salary times the number of excess days.
5. Employees in Compensation Group 16 and 20. Employees in Compensation Groups 16 and 20 who have accumulated a sick leave balance in excess of one hundred fifty (150) days, their balance from the previous year will remain and fifty percent (50%) of any newly accrued sick leave days will be paid out on the pay dayte of pay period 25 immediately preceding December 15 with the remaining fifty percent (50%) added to the total accrued sick leave time.
2. Section 3.54(14)(b)7 of section 3.54(14)(b) entitled “Overtime Compensation for Other Civil Service Employees” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
(b) Overtime Compensation for other Civil Service Employees.
7. All accrued compensatory time in excess of department-established maximums shall be paid on the pay dayte of pay period 26. immediately preceding December 15.