Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
SUBSTITUTE Amending Sections 2.205, 3.13(5)(b), 3.17(15), 3.39(5), 4.01(4), 4.01(5)(e) & (f), 4.02, 4.03, 4.25(9)(b), 33.01(3)(c), 33.01(10)(a), 33.10(2)(a) and 39.05(16) of the Madison General Ordinances to rename the Board of Estimates the Finance Committee.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance changes the name of the Board of Estimates. The Board is renamed the “Finance Committee.” It makes no other changes in duties, composition, or appointment process for the Board. This ordinance shall be effective April 18, 2017.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Section 2.205 entitled “President and President Pro Tem” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
The Common Council shall at its organizational meeting on the third Tuesday of April of each year, elect one member of the Council to act as President of the Council and another member to act as President Pro Tem of the Common Council, pursuant to the provision of Wis. Stat. § 62.09(8)(e). The President Pro Tem of the Common Council shall act during the absence, inability or disability of the president. Among other duties of the Council President and the President Pro Tem, are those set forth in Secs. 2.04 (Order of Business), 3.35(10)(b) (Ethics Board), 4.02(4) (Board of Estimates Finance Committee), and 33.13 (Common Council Organizational Committee), MGO.
The Common Council President may, with the consent of the Common Council Organizational Committee, appoint ad hoc subcommittees of the Common Council, to consist of 2-3 Council members, to address issues of a temporary nature. The subcommittees shall be subject to the rules for all ad hoc bodies set out in Sec. 33.01, MGO.”
2. Subdivision (b) entitled “Mayor and Common Council Control” of Subsection (5) entitled “Empl...
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