Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the Stormwater Utility's adopted 2016 capital budget by accepting $100,000 from the Dane County Urban Water Quality grant award to fund construction of the Wheeler at Bonner stormwater pond. The grant will support the removal of sediment, phosphorous, and other contaminants from stormwater prior to discharge into Cherokee Marsh. The budget increase resulting from the grant acceptance is fully funded by the award amount. The adopted 2016 capital budget for Stormwater has an existing project for the costs in excess of the grant award within their Stormwater Basins capital program (MUNIS 10848).
10848-84-174-84400 100,000
10848-84-220-84400 (100,000)
Amending the 2016 Storm Water Capital Budget and Authorizing the City of Madison, through the City Engineer, to accept Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) grant awards in the amounts of $100,000.00 for the construction of a stormwater pond in Cherokee Park, north of the Wheeler Road and Bonner Lane intersection. (18th AD)
WHEREAS, The 2016 Storm Water Utility Capital Budget provides funding for construction of the Wheeler Road Retention Basin, estimated at $355,000; and
WHEREAS, City Engineering has applied for and received a Dane County Urban Water Quality grant for up to $100,000 through a fifty percent match; and
WHEREAS, City Engineering would like to proceed with this project;
1) That the City of Madison, through City Engineering, is authorized to accept this grant from Dane County.
2) Be it further resolved that the City of Madison, through the City Engineer, is authorized to sign and submit the following: grant agreement, reimbursement claims, interim and final reports, and additional forms as required
3) Be it further resolved that the 2016 Stormwater Utility Capital Budget is hereby amended as follows:
10848-84-174-84400 100,000
10848-84-220-84400 (100,000)