Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution creates an additional 0.60 FTE Program Assistant 1 in the Parks Division operating budget (salary and benefits of $14,240 in 2016 and $37,030 annually). This position is being funded by reducing hourly wages and benefits at Olbrich ($2,830 in 2016 and $7,350 annually) and West Parks ($9,865 in 2016 and $25,650 annually). The cost of the position may also be partially offset by an anticipated increase in rental revenue ($1,580 in 2016 and $4,100 annually). Parks will monitor their salary budgets and, if necessary, the additional revenue will be recognized to offset the residual salary and benefit expense in the year end appropriation resolution.
Creation of a new 0.6 FTE Program Assistant 1 (class code: J099; CG20, Range 11) position (#TBD) in the Parks’ budget.
Resolution to create a 0.6 FTE position #XXXX of Program Assistant 1 (CG20, Range 11) in the permanent salary detail of the Parks’ budget, thereof.