Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the 2016 Adopted Operating Budget to appropriate $20,000 for costs associated with the 2016 Citywide Neighborhood Conference scheduled to take place in October 2016. This appropriation will be supported by private contributions and donations. There is no General Fund impact of the resolution.
Amending the 2016 Planning Division Operating Budget to authorize total conference expenditures to exceed the $20,000 allocated in the 2016 Operating Budget and to accept private contributions and registration fees to be used to offset additional neighborhood conference expenses.
WHEREAS it is to the benefit of the City of Madison and its residents to have a system of strong, viable, and healthy neighborhood associations; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison takes great pride in its commitment to strong and inclusive neighborhoods, neighborhood associations, and community based organizations; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison recognizes the need for the continued development and capacity building of neighborhood and resident associations; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison has sponsored Citywide Neighborhood Conference or Neighborhood Roundtables since 1996 to facilitate the sharing of information and experiences, networking amongst community leaders from across the City, and the development of partnerships between neighborhood organizations, government and the private sector; and
WHEREAS the 2016 Neighborhood Conference will solicit input on what is important to neighborhood leaders in their grassroots efforts, provide various workshops ranging from organizational capacity to working with city government, and allow for sharing of successful activities and projects undertaken by community leaders; and
WHEREAS the 2016 Planning Division Operating Budget provides $20,000 to cover anticipated conference costs at the scheduled Saturday, October 8, 2016 at Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center.
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