Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the boundaries of TID #36 (Capitol Gateway Corridor). As of January 1, 2016, the base value of the parcels within the second amendment to TID #36 is $19,405,900. The estimated growth over the remaining 16 year life of the District is estimated at $128 million of incremental value. This estimate includes $94 million of incremental value due to new construction and an additional $34 million of value growth on all parcels within the second boundary amendment to TID #36.
Approving a second amendment to Tax Incremental District (TID) #36 (Capitol Gateway Corridor), City of Madison, and approving a Project Plan and Boundary for said amended TID.
WHEREAS Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1975 of the State of Wisconsin created the Tax Increment Law, Section 66.1105, Wisconsin Statutes; and
WHEREAS said Law sets forth certain steps which must be followed to amend a Tax Incremental Finance District and approve an amended Project Plan; and
WHEREAS the Second Amendment to Tax Incremental Finance District #36 is described below; and
WHEREAS a Notice of Public Hearing by the Plan Commission to afford interested parties an opportunity to express their views on the Second Amendment of the District and Project Plan for Tax Incremental Finance District #36 was published in the Wisconsin State Journal on May 13, 2016 as required by said Law; and
WHEREAS prior to publication of the Notice of Public Hearing a copy of the Notice was sent by first-class mail to each of the chief executive officers or administrators of all local governmental entities having the power to levy taxes on property within the proposed Second Amendment to Tax Incremental Finance District #36; and
WHEREAS the Plan Commission of the City of Madison held a public hearing on May 23, 2016, at which time interested parties were afforded an opportunity to express their views on the proposed amended Project Plan for Tax Incremental Finance District #36; and
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