Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution creates a task force to evaluate Madison’s current governance structure. The resolution also amends the budget to appropriate $250,000 for a consultant contract to examine best practices surrounding the structure of local government organizations. Upon adoption of this resolution, to the remaining balance in the 2016 Contingent Reserve will be $890,810.
Creating a Task Force on the Structure of City Government and authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) to hire a consultant to conduct a study of local government structures and support the work of the Task Force and amending the 2016 Adopted Operating Budget to appropriate $250,000 from the Contingent Reserve.
WHEREAS, the city of Madison has not undergone any organizational study or change since the mayor’s term was extended to four years in 1987; and
WHEREAS, there have been increases in alder compensation that have moved the nature of the alder position away from a volunteer-based honorarium towards that of a part-time employee; and
WHEREAS, the population of the city has grown by over 70,000 since 1980 and best estimates are that the population will continue to grow through the time of the 2020 census; and
WHEREAS, the budget structure of city of Madison government is premised on Wisconsin statutory legislation that goes back to 1921; and
WHEREAS, the city of Madison has one of the cleanest, most efficient municipal governments in the United States; and
WHEREAS, the city of Madison is constantly recognized as one of the best cities to live, work, and play in the United States using a variety of metrics; and
WHEREAS, the city of Madison is committed to increasing racial equity and promoting social justice and the restructuring of city government will have an impact on communities of color and low-income individuals; and
WHEREAS, any change of the city government structure should be carefully and prudently studied and analyzed with pro...
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