Request from the Marquette Neighborhood Association to Install Bat Houses in Yahara Place, Yahara Parkway, and B.B. Clarke Parks.
The Marquette Neighborhood Association’s (MNA) Green Spaces Committee has been very interested in the work of the Dane County Pollinator Task Force and their 2015 report and have pursued projects to support the goals therein. They were recently introduced to Ken O. Bowman, founder of Bat Conservation of WI, Inc., and would like to partner with him to place five bat houses in green spaces in our district including Yahara Place Park (2), the Yahara Riverway (2), and BB Clarke Park (1).
The Committee is working to obtain a grant through the Dane County Environmental Council to secure funding for the project. Each house will require digging an approximate 3-foot hole. Project is supported by O'Keefe Middle School science teachers and students to assist the committee in maintaining the houses for years to come.
Parks staff will evaluate locations in the parks identified with installations occurring in no-mow areas only. MNA is required to do a One Call prior to digging and to coordinate installations with Parks staff.