Fiscal Note
Total cost of these services is not to exceed $550,000.
The actual cost of the services will be assessed to individual public works projects and their respective account numbers.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with CGC, Inc for the purpose of furnishing professional services to test asphalt pavement mixtures, concrete mixes and soil compaction; investigate soils; drilling and well construction on various projects administered by the City of Madison.
Pursuant to City Ordinances and policies, the City Engineer advertised in 2014 for consulting proposals, reviewed the submitted proposals, and made a recommendation to the Board of Public Works. CGC, Inc. was selected and entered into a one year contract. The contract contains the option to extend the agreement two years if mutually agreeable. This is the second and final allowable extension of the agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a contract with CGC, Inc for furnishing professional services to test asphalt pavement mixtures, concrete mixes, and soil compaction; investigate soils; drilling and well construction on various City of Madison Public Works Projects.