Fiscal Note
The cost for this service will be $221,000 the first year and is included in the Parking Utility's 2015 Adopted Operating Budget. The second year cost will be $227,000 and will be included in the Parking Utility's proposed 2016 Operating Budget, subject to approval by the Common Council. There is no anticipated impact on the levy.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with JBM Patrol & Protection Corp. to provide security services in the Parking Utility facilities.
The Parking Utility has, since 1990, contracted with a security firm to provide security services in its parking facilities to deter vandalism to vehicles, to escort parking cashiers to their vehicles at the end of their shifts at night, to discourage loitering, and to provide a higher level of security to employees and the general public.
A contract has been negotiated with a security firm for up to a five-year period to continue to provide the above services. The service is funded in the 2015 Parking Utility budget.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with JBM Patrol & Protection Corp., 3110 Kingsley Way, Madison, WI 53713, to provide security services in the Parking Utility's facilities for a two-year period, and further authorizes the City Finance Director, or their designee to authorize, by mutual agreement of the City and the Contractor, to renew this agreement for three (3) additional one-year periods.