Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
SUBSTITUTE Adopting the Employee Benefits Handbook for General Municipal Employees.
WHEREAS, 2011 Wisconsin Act 10 ("Act 10") and 2011 Wisconsin Act 32 ("Act 32"), removed bargaining rights for general municipal employees other than base wages and;
WHEREAS, since the passage of Act 10 and Act 32, the City's bargaining units (with the exception of Police, Fire, IATSE, and Metro) have not re-certified as labor organizations and;
WHEREAS, the City, with the input of non-represented general municipal employees, recommended changes to the Madison General Ordinances ("MGO") in light of the passage of Act 10 and Act 32 and;
WHEREAS, the Common Council approved changes to Sections 3.32, 3.54 and 3.53 of the MGOs and the creation of Section 33.10 MGO establishing the new Committee on Employee Relations and;
WHEREAS, in keeping with these new procedures, the City created the Employee Benefits Handbook for General Municipal Employees which is a general guide for the discussion, application, and enforcement of the provision of benefits to employees within the applicable compensation groups and;
WHEREAS, the existence of the handbook does not cerate an expressed or implied contract and is not a collectively bargained agreement and;
WHEREAS, the handbook will not override the Madison General Ordinances, City Administrative Procedure Memoranda or State and Federal law and;
WHEREAS, it is the City's intent that the handbook will be modified and updated in cooperation with the employee representatives and approved by the Committee on Employee Relations and the Common Council.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council approves and adopts the Employee Benefits Handbook for General Municipal Employees created June, 2015 as modified to incorporate language regarding Saturday premium pay for employees in COMPENSATION GROUPS 32 & 33.