Fiscal Note
While adoption of this resolution does not represent a commitment to funding, it does identify a series of public actions that will require expenditures to be authorized by subsequent Common Council actions.
Adopting the Bicycle Transportation Plan for the Madison Metropolitan Area and Dane County, as a supplement to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, including the relevant recommendations and proposed bicycle facility improvements contained within the plan.
WHEREAS, in 2000 the City of Madison and the Madison Area Metropolitan Planning Organization adopted a Bicycle Transportation Plan for the Madison Urban Area and Dane County, which has served as a guide for continued planning, development, and maintenance of bicycle facilities and implementation of bicycle safety education, encouragement, and enforcement programs; and
WHEREAS, the Bicycle Transportation Plan for the Madison Metropolitan Area and Dane County was prepared by Madison Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (Madison Area MPO) staff as an update of the 2000 Bicycle Transportation Plan and a refinement of the Bicycle Element of the adopted Vision 2020 Dane County Land Use & Transportation Plan, which provides the overall policy framework for development and multi-modal transportation improvements within the Dane County region; and
WHEREAS, since 2000, the number of Madison residents commuting by bike has nearly doubled; and
WHEREAS, cycling provides significant health, economic, environmental and equity benefits to the City and its residents; and
WHEREAS, Madison has achieved League of American Bicyclists Bike Friendly Cities Gold status, and has set a goal of the Platinum designation; and
WHEREAS, one of the goals of the City’s Pedestrian-Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Commission (PBMVC) has been to update and revise the 2000 Bicycle Transportation Plan; and
WHEREAS, MAP-21 - Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act requires Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) ...
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