Fiscal Note
City costs associated with urban development in this area will be included in future operating and capital budgets subject to Common Council approval.
Authorizing the City of Madison Planning Division to prepare the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison adopted a Comprehensive Plan in 2006; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan recommends that the City adopt neighborhood development plans for future City growth areas; and
WHEREAS, neighborhood development plans include detailed recommendations regarding land use, the transportation system, parks and open space, and utilities service, and are used to guide future urban development within City growth areas; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan recommends that one or more neighborhood development plans be prepared for Madison’s southeast growth area (the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Planning area includes part of Planning Area D) prior to initiating urban development; and
WHEREAS, under the terms of the City of Madison and Town of Blooming Grove Cooperative Plan, lands within the Town of Blooming Grove, including lands within and adjacent to Madison’s southeast growth area will become part of the City of Madison through a series of attachments, including attachments that are scheduled to occur in 2015, 2020 and 2027; and
WHEREAS, a neighborhood development plan has not yet been prepared for the City of Madison’s southeast growth area and adjacent lands; and
WHEREAS some development has already occurred in and adjacent to the southeast growth area including the Yahara Hills Golf Course, Ho-Chunk Gaming and adjacent lands, Dane County Landfill, and the Datex-Ohmeda property; and
WHEREAS, a neighborhood development plan for Madison’s southeast growth area and adjacent lands is desirable as a guide to orderly urban development.
NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison Planning Division is authorized to prepare the Yahara Hills...
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