Fiscal Note
Estimated cost $37,420
Funds are available in Acct. No. 10387-30-140
Authorizing an amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and Eppstein Uhen Architects, in the amount of $37,420 for additional architectural and engineering design services for the Fire Administration Office Building Tenant Improvements and Fire Station No. 1 Remodel project.
Whereas, the parties, the City of Madison (“City”) and Eppstein Uhen Architects (“Architect” or “Contractor”) entered into a contract for purchase of architectural and engineering design services for tenant improvements of Fire Administration Office Building within the new Hovde Properties building and remodeling Fire Station No. 1 on August 22, 2012, and,
Whereas, the amendment is the continuing development and preparation of architectural and engineering design, plans and specifications, preparation of bid documents, assistance in the bid process and construction administration services for the design and construction of interior tenant improvements in a multi-story shell and core building for the Fire Administration Office Building, located on a portion of a new site provided by Hovde Properties, at 325 West Johnson Street; and design and construction to remodel portions of Fire Station No. 1 located at 316 West Dayton Street, and,
Whereas, the amendment is to provide extra architectural and engineering design services to provide various additional services requested by the City that exceed the scope of services in the original contract agreement, and,
Whereas, these extra services include 1) Creation of exhibits and drawings showing plans and sections of sanitary sewer drain piping serving the third floor above the administration office spaces, 2) Prepare materials and solicit requests for proposals for cost estimating services, 3) Remove the rooftop energy recovery unit serving the apparatus bays and add an air-handling unit at the mezzanine level west storage area, 4) Coordinate hazardous materials survey with the architectural documents, review materials testing report, and coordinate implementation strategies with the hazardous materials consultant, 5) Prepare furniture plans, 6) Provide extra revisions and changes to the design of the IT polycom system, 7) Revise the design of doors at the 2nd floor public lobby space to improve security, 8) Redesign the configuration of the sleeping quarters on the 3rd floor in the fire station, 9) Provide extra alternate design options for the compressor room and the EMS storage room, 10) Coordinate and revise designs for access to the trash chutes in the Hovde building, 11) Coordinate and attend extra design meetings, 12) Provide extra engineering design for a chilled buffer tank, 13) Add a wash basin in the apparatus bay of the fire station, 14) Provide extra engineering services to replace all existing storm sewer pipes in the apparatus bay of the fire station, 15) Revise specifications to include master mechanical, electrical, and plumbing specifications provided by the City, and,
Whereas, additional professional design services shall include civil, architectural, structural, HVAC, plumbing, electrical engineering, fire protection, and other disciplines as required, and,
Whereas, the 2015 Capital Budget includes funding in account number 10387-30-140 for architectural and engineering consultant design services, an Architect consultant must be hired to design these additional services, and,
Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute contract Amendment No. 3 to Contract # 6890 between the City of Madison and Eppstein Uhen Architects to authorize the additional work as described above and payment in the amount not to exceed $37,420.