Fiscal Note
The grant funds will cover all expenses associated with the LESB-approved specialized training courses. No appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept Wisconsin Department of Justice Law Enforcement Specialized Training grants for trainings conducted by the Madison Police Department (up to $10,566)
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Justice Training and Standards Bureau annually makes funding available for law enforcement training across the state that serves the goals of the state Law Enforcement Standards Board (LESB); and
WHEREAS, the Madison Police Department established its training center not only for its pre-service academy and in-service trainings, but also regular specialized law enforcement trainings for other local and regional agencies as well; and
WHEREAS, the Department regularly pursues grant funding to make such trainings available; and
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Justice has awarded the Department the following grants: instructor certification course for non-lethal use-of-force training ($3,960) and mobile device evidence gathering and analysis course for Investigators ($4,500); and
WHEREAS, the Department also has applied for a criminal justice instructor development course, a pre-requisite course for all LESB-approved specialized training courses ($2,106); and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Chief of Police are authorized to accept the law enforcement specialized training grants described above, up to $10,566, from the Wisconsin Department of Justice Training & Standards Bureau.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these funds be used for expenses as described in the approve grant applications.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Finance Department and the Police Department are authorized to establish and/or maintain accounts as required for the administration of the grant funds.
$6,300 31166-54520 Conferences & Training (registration fees)
$306 31166-5321...
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