Fiscal Note
The cost for the remainder of 2015 is approximately $10,700 (or $12,200 including benefits) and is available in the Information Technology budget. The projected annualized cost is $28,000 (or $32,060 including benefits).
Recreate the 0.55 FTE Program Assistant 1 position #4319, currently vacant, to a 0.7 FTE City Channel Producer/Director position, both in CG20-11. Recreate the 0.6 FTE position #760 of Program Assistant 1 in CG20-11, currently filled by Ms. Tanya Anderson, to a 1.0 FTE position, all within the Information Technology budget.
Resolution recreating the 0.55 FTE Program Assistant 1 position #4319 in CG20-11, currently vacant, as a 0.7 FTE City Channel Producer/Director position in CG20-11, and recreating the 0.6 FTE position #760 of Program Assistant 1 in CG20-11, currently filled by Ms. Tanya Anderson, to a 1.0 FTE position, all within the Information Technology budget, thereof.