Fiscal Note
The resolution amends the DPCED capital budget to include $25,000 to carry out a topographical/boundary study for the purpose of the Judge Doyle Square project. The adopted 2015 capital budget includes $320,000 for work associated with the Judge Doyle Square project.
Authorizing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Topographic/Boundary Survey and Certified Survey Map for Blocks 88 and 105 required for the Judge Doyle Square Project and amending the 2015 Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development Capital Budget to fund both surveys.
WHEREAS, on May 19, 2015 the Common Council authorized the Judge Doyle Negotiating Team to enter exclusive negotiations with JDS Development LLC (“Developer”) due to extenuating circumstances related to needs of the project tenant, Exact Sciences; and,
WHEREAS, the project requires that a topographic/boundary survey and a Certified Survey Map (“CSM”) be completed for Blocks 88 and 105 in the City of Madison for both the purpose of project design and to create two lots on Blocks 88 and 105 required for the project and to be used for the condominium plat, declaration and related documents; and,
WHEREAS, the Developer and the City are acting pursuant to an accelerated timeline to negotiate a development agreement for the project; and,
WHEREAS, the accelerated timeline requires that a request for proposals (“RFP”) be issued by the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development (“DPCED”) and that DPCED be permitted to enter into contracts pursuant to the RFP.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that DPCED be authorized to issue an RFP, review submitted proposals, and enter into one or more contracts for a combined cost not to exceed $25,000 in order to procure services pursuant to the completion of the topographic/boundary survey and CSM for Blocks 88 and 105.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council amends the 2015 DPCED Capital Budget by $25,000 in order to complete the topogra...
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